Carbon sequestration by bamboo pdf file

It is intended to provide a factual basis for interested people in the nefa region to discuss the carbon sequestration issue. The carbon sequestration estimate for the variety of species considered in the oplap case study was calculated using gorcam, which is a standbased algorithm that allows users to model the. Farmers can use bamboo farming in suboptimal land to generate additional income and improve the fertility of the land. The present study therefore, concludes that bamboo being an efficient carbon sequesterer could contribute tremendously to mitigate the climate change, besides providing other economic and social contributions. Bamboo is a hot commodity in the sustainable marketplace used in products from flooring to fabric. Bamboo offers a number of benefits, according to friederich, including rapid restoration, largescale carbon sequestration, supplying a sustainable source of energy, and providing raw material for. Its fastgrowing and renewable stands sequester carbon in their biomass. This document has been scanned from hardcopy archives for. Pdf carbon sequestration potential in bamboos researchgate.

We i assess the carbon sequestration potential of afforestation projects in various chinese regions by comparing different tree species, project durations and regional particularities, ii. Byrne 1 and kevin black2 introduction there is general consensus among the scientific community that increasing atmospheric levels of the socalled greenhouse gasesare causing climate change and are likely to continue doing so. Carbon sequestration via wood burial carbon balance and. The concept of geologic carbon sequestration geologic carbon sequestration is a method of securing carbon dioxide co 2 in deep geologic formations to prevent its release to the atmosphere and contribution to global warming as a greenhouse gas. Carbon sequestration is the longterm storage of carbon. Cost of carbon sequestration by different techniques 5. Bamboo biomass produced on marginally productive land with waste water, will provide a lot of new jobs. Bamboo is widespread in the subtropics and tropics of asia, africa, and latin america. On a global scale, co2 is stored in forests and other vegetation, in the ocean, and in products buildings, furniture, etc. Bamboo could help fight global warming conservation news. Carbon sequestration in wood and paper products skog and nicholson carbon transfer table 5. Carbon sequestration in forest based building products. Some advice for starting your own backyard carbon farm. Carbon sequestration, and the extent to which it can be counted as a reduction in a nations carbon.

Comparing aboveground carbon sequestration between. Sedjo abstract a major problem being faced by human society is that the global temperature is believed to be rising due to human activity that releases carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, i. Carbon dioxide capture and sequestration technology can slow global warming by reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere applicable to the 60% of global emissions that come from stationary sources such as power plants necessary to achieve the rapid and sustained carbon dioxide emission reductions over the next 50 to 100. Estimated pools and fluxes in the global carbon cycle of relevance to 2. Carbon sequestration in forests congressional research service 2 for mitigating greenhouse gas emissionsand thus possible climate changeis to increase the amount of carbon stored in forests. Global forest carbon sequestration and climate policy. Carbon is found in all living organisms and is the major building block for life on earth. The phytolith carbon sequestration in chinese bamboo is estimated to be 0. However, there are significant implementation obstacles to accessing the worlds forest carbon sequestration potential. Bamboo forests are fast growing and renewable resources, and their carbon sequestration potential has attracted wide attention. Under regular management practices, bamboo sequestered an equal or greater amount of carbon over the 60year lifespan of a chinese fir plantation. Carbon exists in many forms, predominately as plant biomass, soil organic matter, and as the gas carbon dioxide co 2 in the atmosphere and dissolved in seawater.

Present synthesis suggests bamboo can generate tradable amount of carbon under cdm and redd schemes. Of course, nothing is simple and there is some controversy surrounding the use of bamboo for carbon sequestration. Using modeling and comparison studies, the findings of this report suggest that bamboo s carbon sequestration rate can equal or surpasses that of fastgrowth trees over short time periods in a new plantation, but only when bamboo is actively managed. Afforestation programs have huge potential to store carbon, thereby contributing to mitigate climate change. Biomass and carbon storage in bamboo is a permanent sink. Forests free fulltext carbon footprint analysis of. Pdf role of bamboo forests in carbon sequestration and. Carbon sequestration and its impacts on forest management. Grazing and fire are two serious sources of injuries to bamboo forests. This book presents evidence that tropical grasslands, which cover 50% of the earths surface, are as important as forests for the sequestration of carbon. Download pdf carbon sequestration in tropical grassland.

In bamboo farming system under selective felling regime, although the c stock and sequestration was low compared to other agroforestry systems across the world, it represented a permanent stock. Phylogenetic variation of phytolith carbon sequestration. There has been improvement in the preservation and protection technology of bamboo as well as in jointing techniques so that the use of bamboo can be proliferated as construction material. Full carbon accounting for wood products should include all emissions, both industrial and biogenic, from cradleto. A carbon farming expert explains how smart perennial planting can help your garden sequester more carbon, and produce more food.

Increased bamboo biomass indicates a higher amount of carbon storage. A measurement of the carbon sequestration potential of. The carbon sequestration potential from afforestation in. Cumulative avoided emissions from landuse conversion 4. Valuing carbon sequestration to finance afforestation. Cost of carbon sequestration using different techniques 2. Managing woody bamboos for carbon farming and carbon. Carbon storage in a bamboo bambusa vulgaris plantation. It was found that the aboveground biomass consisting of stems, branches, and foliage, contains a total of 200 tons per hectare, leading to an. Bamboo plays a role in all three kinds of carbon sink. Fish and wildlife service service recognized more than 15 years ago that bcs. Annual credits would sell at a discount to longer term cdms and allow budget flexibility, in a constantly changing regulatory environment. To help mitigate global warming, carbon storage by forests is often mentioned as the only or the best way to reduce the co2 concentration in the atmosphere.

Bamboo in climate change and poverty alleviation ix acronyms and abbreviations ai countries listed in annex i of the unfccc ar afforestation and reforestation agb aboveground biomass ar4 fourth assessment report of the ipcc baratio belowground aboveground biomass ratio for bamboo bcef biomass conversion and expansion factor. Find, read and cite all the research you need on researchgate. It is hypothesized that large quantities of organic carbon were buried and preserved for over one hundred thousand years under the great northern hemisphere icesheets during the. Biomass carbon storage in woody bamboo is comparable to the woody biomass of trees. The timing of regional participation and eligibility of sequestration activities are issues. Review of carbon fixation in bamboo forests in china. The simple fact is that carbon emissions are carbon emissions. Carbon sequestration at system level the effects of carbon sequestration can be understood when we look at a global system level. If the bamboo forest wasnt managed through annual harvesting practices, it would be significantly less effective at carbon sequestration, the report added. Although the total forest areas in many countries have decreased drastically, bamboo forests have increased at a rate of 3% annually. Tfri organized two days training workshop on carbon.

Bamboo is included as a key component of ethiopias recently approved land. Using modeling and comparison studies, the findings of this report suggest that bamboos carbon sequestration rate can equal or surpasses that of fastgrowth trees over short time periods in a new plantation, but only when bamboo is actively managed. Carbon sequestration or carbon dioxide removal cdr is the longterm removal, capture or sequestration of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to slow or reverse atmospheric co2 pollution and to mitigate or reverse global warming carbon dioxide co2 is naturally captured from the atmosphere through biological, chemical, and physical processes. Abstractphytoliths, the amorphous silica deposited in plant tissues, can occlude organic carbon. The figure illustrates some of the major concepts associated with geologic carbon sequestration. Moso bamboo has large potential to alleviate global warming through carbon sequestration. Carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas, have caused a substantial increase. Bamboo can capture carbon fast, says report scidev. The biomass production and thereby the carbon sequestration potential of many of the indian bamboos are yet to be unravelled. Carbon naturally moves, or cycles, between the atmosphere and vegetation, soils, and the oceans over time scales ranging from years to millennia and longer. Carbon sequestration through forests has been an important issue as global warming becomes more apparent in recent years. The existing forest carbon supply estimates have made optimistic assumptions about immediate, comprehensive, and global access. One sticking point is the short life span of bamboo.

Bamboo has the potential to generate carbon credits due to high carbon sequestration rates, which can be traded internationally. Carbon storage dynamics of secondary forest succession in the central loess plateau of china previous article in journal drought impact on leaf phenology and spring frost susceptibility in a quercus robur l. These technologies are helping in increasing the durability of bamboo as construction material. Biological carbon sequestration accomplishments report. Land expectation value lev was estimated for various moso bamboo management models using the faustmannhartman formula. Ifs officers from chhattisgarh, karnataka, maharashtra, meghalaya, sikkim, uttar pradesh and west bengal participated in this workshop. Managing bamboo for carbon sequestration, bamboo stem and. Bamboo has high carbon sequestration rate and a large geographical distribution. From forests to harvested roundwood the carbon in wood harvested each year was estimated through 2040, beginning with wood harvested in 1910 and following each years wood harvest through to its. Carbon sequestration in soils over the past 150 years.

Reduce your carbon footprint by growing bamboo logees. Carbon sequestration in forests and harvested wood. Since soil respiration rs is a major source of co 2. Overview of carbon dioxide capture and sequestration. Carbon sequestration and its impacts on forest management in the northeast developed for the north east state foresters association december 19, 2002 disclaimer. Separating out green emissions from black emissions is an artificial distinction at best. Managing woody bamboos for carbon farming and carbon trading. The carbon sequestration potential of an unmanaged and previously unstudied guadua angustifolia bamboo forest in the carrasco national park of bolivia has been studied, by estimating the total aboveground biomass contained in the forest. Not shown is respiratory return of carbon to the soil and atmosphere. One should realise that, when there is no change in the area of forests and. The possibility of carbon sequestration via wood burial stems from the observation that natural forest is typically littered with dead trees fig.

However, the voluntary acceptance by landowners crucially depends on their economic outcome. Existing economic studies have focused on the impact of economic factors e. The bamboo plantation also enriched the soil with organic carbon, available n, p, and k up to 50 cm soil depth. Because of its rapid growth, bamboo is unmatched in its ability to remove carbon dioxide from the environment.

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